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Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Sport's named Flirting

How to flirt with a guy?
A skill which not only could swamps your body with feel-good chemicals and lift your self-esteem sky high. It could reasserts your womanly charms and makes you more attractive.
Here are some tips where kinkipinki would like to share with every lady on the earth after reading and experimenting the tips she ever collected.

First and foremost, your appearance is the first key to the world of flirtation! A guy's receptiveness to your flirting may depend greatly on how you look, wear something that makes you feel flirty.Dress in a way that makes you feel good and confident about yourself.

Secondly, smile- Start working on your smile .Gimme some friendly, open and warm smiles ladies~That's it, you are doing great!

Thirdly, be elegant and not slutty. Don't be too playful as you would end up with a guy interested for your body or... without a guy at all. Also, never degrade yourself by acting unintelligent just for attention like goofing, cracking jokes, and laugh out loud. Be a lady!

Next, eye-flirting. Ever heard of our eyes are central to sexual attraction. Make brief eye contact, never stare or glare as it is off-putting. Carry on for a couple of minutes with flashes of glances in quick succession.
This act will automatically reel him in closer to you.

Last but not least, ice-breaking time. Keep your body language open and inviting.Lean towards him and touch him lightly on the arm or shoulder when you're talking. Set up an innocent intimacy by whispering into his ear or making some quick innocent touch. oh yea~don't wait for a guy to make the first move here, because girls can generally get away with breaking the touch barrier earlier in a relationship more than guys can. Here are some perfect and subtle ways of breaking the touch barrier like "compare hand sizes" then smile and lace your fingers for a moment, brush imaginary fuzz off his shoulder or pick an imaginary hair off his shirt. Totally cute and initiates comfortable boundary-crossing in an innocent manner. By now he will be melting, so switch on to your sexual energy, rest your head on his shoulder if you’re tired and hold his hand when you're nervous.

pssst.....Men love being flirted with and wish girls would do it more. So ladies, fire up and switch on your flirt mode! Be reminded that flirting can be hard and sometimes awkward. However, flirting is a social skill where confidence is the underlying key to it.


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